Monday, May 9, 2011

WTF... NO Post?!

I've been a member of this blog community since May 2007 (so I've read) and I HAVE NO POSTS?! So... why then did I even create an account? Hmm, wait lemme think ---- nope, I dunno the answer to that BUT I will put an end to that "No Posts" and start with this :)

Now, this one is on a completely different note. Regarding the title "WTF". My sons are into collecting door and windshield signs --- be it sticker-type for the door (sigh, these peeled the paint off!) or those with suction cups. My brother bought a couple the other day and gave it to the boys. However, there was one kinda controversial sign that sought my permission (hello? You just thought of asking after buying the thing?! Duh... Of course, I digress) On to the sign, it read "WTF?" Personally, I don't have an issue about it but out of curiousity (more than naievete which I am not), I asked my son, D, what it meant. He said "Where's The Food?" Oh, ok.

Yeah, right ('',)

I should've entitled it "WTP" then for "Where are The Posts" ---- cornball! Toink, toink!

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